Discus is South Carolina’s Virtual Library.
Discus provides free online access to an electronic library that’s available 24/7.
Now that you know, click on the logo above to start using the more than thirty reliable, up-to-date, databases covering a wide variety of subjects for all age groups. For home access, you must obtain special instructions from your local public librarian or your school media specialist. Call us at 864-852-2821.
Frequently Asked Questions:
What will I find in Discus?
- Magazines and newspapers
- Professional journals
- Reference books
- Encyclopedias
- Dictionaries
- E-books
- Maps and flags
- Lesson plans
- Student activities
- Audio and video
- Pictures and photographs
- Links to the best web sites
- Government reports
- Primary sources
- Historic documents
- Much more…
Why should I use Discus?
- Homework assignments
- College research and reading
- Current articles in your field
- Lifelong learning resources
What does Discus stand for?
- Digital Information for S.C. Users
Discus is coordinated by the South Carolina State Library
and funded by the South Carolina General Assembly through the
K-12 School Technology Initiative with additional funding from
the federal Library Services and Technology Act.