Everyone is invited to the Dorn Mill in McCormick on May 12th at 6 pm for an evening with Cassandra King Conroy, the best-selling novelist whose fiction has won the hearts of readers everywhere, especially in the American south. In her recent memoir TELL ME A STORY: My Life with Pat Conroy, the woman Pat called “King Ray” looks back at her love affair with a natural-born storyteller whose lust for life was fueled by a passion for literature, food, and the Carolina Lowcountry that was his home. Cassandra has written five award winning novels and two books of nonfiction, as well as numerous short stories, essays, and magazine articles. A native of LA (Lower Alabama), she has taught creative writing at the college level, conducted corporate writing seminars, and worked as a human interest reporter. She resides in Beaufort, South Carolina, where she is honorary chair of the Pat Conroy Literary Center.

The Dorn Mill is located at 206 North Main Street in McCormick S.C. 29835. The program starts at 6 pm with refreshments and heavy hors d’oeuvres. The author’s presentation will be followed by a book signing. This free event is brought to you by the McCormick County Library with support from the Friends of the McCormick Library. The Friends is a non-profit organization supporting the public library through donations and by operating thebookstore in downtown McCormick, Book On Main. They are the recipients of the 2022 Outstanding Friends Group in S.C. Award.