The McCormick County Library will begin its summer reading programs for children on Tuesday, June 10th at 2:00 pm. At this program, children will meet Mopsie the Clown and her assistant Gizmo and join in the fun with magic tricks, games, balloon sculptures, face painting, prizes, and crafts. The program is free and is made possible in part by a grant from Thrivent Financial for Lutherans.
The summer reading program at the library will continue every Tuesday at 2:00 pm through July 15th. Activities will include storytelling, puppet shows, and movies. Programs are free and are especially appropriate for children ages 5 to 10 years old.
Children who want to participate should register at the library. They will receive a Reading Log to record the time they read or are read to during the summer. Each time they attend the weekly program at the library, they can show progress on their Reading Log to receive an incentive. During the final program on July 15th, children will receive a certificate and prize.