
Do you love the McCormick County Library?

Just like you, thousands of people all over South Carolina use their public libraries to access the information they need to improve their lives, find jobs, and to help their children learn and stretch their imaginations.

In honor of National Library Week April 12-18, take a moment to share how you have benefited from using the library. Your story can make a difference in funding for public libraries statewide and ensuring that every citizen has access to quality resources and information. Simply click on the “Why I Love My Library” logo above to be directed to the online form where you can quickly share your thoughts and send them in with one click of the “Submit” button. Or you may stop by the library and share your story with library staff!

If you want to proclaim your love far and wide, you can also pick up a magnetic “I love my public library” bumper sticker from the Friends of the Library Bookstore in downtown McCormick.

This campaign is being conducted by the the South Carolina State Library and the Association of Public Library Administrators with support from the Richland County Public Library.